OK, you know how rain and severe winter weather has been set to hit SoCal this week? Oh, how right they were.
This afternoon, after a morning break from the rain, it was back. And boy was it! The winds blew in. The sky darkened. Hail poured down. All at once, the heavens opened and down it came.
Immediately, I sent a text message to the senior child instructing him to not drive in this weather - just sit it out. [Did he listen, of course not. Instead, he chose to take a friend home who lives a city away]I calmed the frantic kitten who was freaked out by the thunder, hail and the wind pounding the windows. As soon as the worst had passed, I ventured out to see how the garden managed.
Sad to say, what had been hanging on since summer is very sad. They don't like this cold snap. Truth be told, I don't either. How absolutely strange it is to look out across the vegetable patch and see what looks like snow [left over hail ] right next to my chili pepper plants.
As I write, the pouring rain, thunder and lightning is back. Our older dog [16] has made her way over to sit here under my desk. I am off to cover what is left of the summer veggie plants to protect them from additional cold temps [I use burlap ][cover succulents, potted plants and citrus, too!]
Friends, I am beginning to ask myself if the Earth is showing us how unhappy she is. In a few days, the plants in the nursery will show me what this cold has done to them and if they are happy or not. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Enjoy the day!
Grower, Rolling Hills Herbs & Annuals
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