Fall 2010 Plant List

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Farmers Market Update

Hi Everyone,

Earlier this week, we posted regarding our Farmers Market schedule - specifically the Wednesday afternoon market in San Bernardino . We need to make some changes.

While we enjoy seeing returning friends , hearing the latest about their gardens and encouraging our new garden friends to pursue their dreams at these markets, we are desperately needing to spend more time in the nursery. So, after great consideration, we have decided to scale back a bit and concentrate exclusively on the Redlands Markets.

On Thursday evenings, our son Isaac will be on hand to assist you with all of your plant needs. If there is ever a question left unanswered, please do not hesitate to email me! I will be on hand for the Saturday morning Farmers Market along with our daughter Corrina. We will still be in attendance for the Fontana Art Festival event, July 22nd and hope to participate in other one day events as they present themselves.

This has not been an easy decision, by any means of the imagination. Our driving mission is to encourage our community towards greater health and well-being through edible and sustainable urban gardening - offering our naturally grown herbs & heirloom plants as a tool to help get there. We believe that by focusing on our local market, our cart at OAM, and periodic events, we will be able to continue on with our mission while providing our community with an even greater quality and range of product.

We look forward to seeing each of soon.

Enjoy the day!

Rolling Hills Herbs & Annuals

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